Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dr. Sharon Stone

The following is a prophecy given by Dr. Sharon Stone in Glasgow, Scotland
in the summer of 2008. The notations in parentheses are fulfillment of the word, but are not part of the word given.

September is a Turning Point

”September is a turning point and a sign of the times. It is all about those who have made Godly alignments in this season being blessed with revelation and information in the midst of world crisis.

”I see more banks will suffer: a USA world bank’s shares are in trouble (Lehman Brothers files bankruptcy, September 15, 2008).

I see government inth e USA bailing out mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Federal takeover, September 7, 2008)

and the government in England cutting house purchase taxes for the sagging housing crisis (Stamp Duty Tax change announced, September 2, 2008) to no avail.

”I see a European airline failing with no notice (XL files bankruptcy, September 12, 2008).

I see the eyes of the world looking to see, ‘Who is this coming out of Alaska?’ (Sarah Palin announced as McCain’s running mate,August 29, 2008).

And I see smoke coming from the Chunnel (Fire in the Chunnel, September 11, 2008).

”As I see these things, I hear the encouragement of God to His Isaacs in the earth who sow in the times of famine and reap 100 fold in the year. I’m not a prosperity preacher, I’m a prophet. And God is saying that September will convince you that you must connect to His economic system. There are always the few that are greatly blessed when the majority are shaken, threatened and fearful.”

God says, “Have you positioned yourself for THE NEW? Your storehouse is not an earthly bank. Hold on and I will bail you out of your mortgage issues. Am I not better to you than any government? I will not leave you stranded on foreign soil, and I will carry you above the circumstances better than any plane or jet. And your hope is not an Alaskan saviour, but Me.” I know that sounds strange, it does to me also.

”England, the smoke I saw coming out of the Chunnel is a warning for your intercessors to arise and cut off the enemy’s plan to sabotage and siege England’s favour in trade. Let him who has ears hear....

”God, I release an Isaac anointing upon us now!”

Dr. Sharon Stone
Christian International Europe
Email: cieurope@aol.com

About Sharon Stone: Sharon is the founder and senior minister of Christian
International Europe. She is widely recognized as an Apostolic Prophet to the nations and has traveled to over thirty nations. By the age of nineteen, Sharon was an Intern Pastor and within twelve years she had pioneered and planted two churches and was the president of a Bible college. In 1996, Sharon and her family relocated to England to pioneer Christian International Europe with the intention of developing and mobilizing prophets and apostles to unlock harvest in the nations. Sharon has three grown children and is married to Greg Black.

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